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Showing posts from 2010

Eskimo Baptism

Monday Morning Blog ... I've Failed!

A few weeks ago, or maybe a month ago, I posted Monday Morning Blogs were to be written started then -- but as you can see, I FAILED! It's been good, though, as I have been spending some really significant time with God reading His Word. praying to Him and learning His ways as of late. My perspective is getting more centered around the truth of the Almighty and less and less of me. Over the years, I have studied and studied the Bible and Biblical things to present at times of teaching and preaching. I mean, a lot of years ... and I can rattle off some really important Bible information due to that knowledge. But I haven't made devotional Bible reading and prayer a priority at times. I am though, making it more and more a priority now. I am amazed how in reaffirming myself to that and rescheduling myself that even the teaching responsibility I have at AGF is falling into place much better! Last Thursday (Aug 5) the study for that coming Sunday was complete and this past Friday a...

Monday Blogs Begin

It's an awesome and beautiful morning here in North-Central New Hampshire. I just took my dear wife to the AGF Ladies Prayer Group and then I came to Newfound Grocery and Diner with Brent and we're having breakfast together. This is a perfect time for me to update my blog, twitter and facebook. So here it goes -- but first, I'm gonna eat! I'll be back with the first new post of these Monday morning Blogs!


This Sunday (in fact earlier this morning) I started a new series at AGF called SonRising: The Resurrection Story in Three Acts. Act I was called "Prediction". From John 2 and 16 I showed 2 predictions Jesus gave of His rising from the dead. In John 2, Jesus told the Jews who were corrupting the Temple with their sales of merchandise that under His authority He would tear down the temple and rise it up again in 3 days! Then in John 16 He told the disciples that He would soon be leaving but after that would then return. The next two Acts will deal with "Prelude" from John 11 and "Performance" using selected Scriptures. Visit the AMAZING GRACE FELLOWSHIP website for more info or the blog at these addys>>> and