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Showing posts from August, 2019

MMB - 8-19-2019

Announcement: On Sunday, August 25th I'll be giving the Bible Talk (Sermon) at Maple Grove Baptist Church in Moore Haven, Florida at 11am. I've been working on the message which will be from the Gospel of Mark and is entitled "Jesus Love". Next week's MMB (Monday Morning Blog) will be a written summary of the teaching I give ... so check back. Be sure to follow us on social media. Facebook , Instagram and Twitter . Very Soon we will be adding a YouTube account with Life Journey Florida live streams and life story videos. Of course you can contact us via email and FB Messenger . ((Notice: I'm informed Instagram and Twitter links are incorrect. We are working on those and will fix them the moment they are complete. Thanks for your patience.))

The 'I Am's' of Paul - Part 3 -- MMB 8/12/2019

MONDAY MORNING BLOG SERIES Romans 1:14-16 reveal The Three 'I Am's' of Paul. In parts one and two the first two were uncovered: "I am under obligation ..." (v14 ESV) and "I am eager ..." (v15 ESV). Both spoke to Paul's ministry of serving all in his sphere of influence -- wherever he was and wherever he went -- as a debtor (obliged to give good news without regard to people groups or education levels) and as one prepared (ready to preach the Gospel). Now this leads to Paul's final 'I Am' found in Romans 1 and it's in verse 16, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God..." (NKJV). This is interesting. I thought for a moment about what Paul really meant here. The most modern versions of the Bible (Contemporary English Version and the Message) say instead of "not ashamed", use "I am proud...". To be ashamed means to be embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions. Sy...