To begin let me simply say, many of you occasionally visit and respond to the updated posts we share and have shared at our website . I had always intended to add those posts here on my longtime blog. It just never happened. This site is about to contain all the content we would have posted at the above address ... As costs grow and as life changes, the website we own will go away in February. It may still exist with and added "WordPress" to the domain... we'll see how it turns out. But Blogspot or Blogger has been old faithful even when I'm not on it. So in the weeks ahead I will update all the info of us, our home and our status' to bring us up to 2023. As far as 2022, Christmas time is here. In fact the day itself has come and gone but the Tremblay's celebrate long into the New Year! So a very soon coming post will reveal that. I may have to edit this to make certain everything is correct, but I believe our site address here is: mike-tremb...