The New AGF Sunday Study Series is Called ... FREE. Paul makes a striking statement in Galatians 5:1 when he writes, "It is for FREEDOM that Christ has SET US FREE." (NIV) Being set free assumes we are in bondage. The handcuffs pictured above are an appropriate illustration as to the kind of bondage sin shackles mankind with. Paul's statement is made about those who've been "uncuffed" ('set free') from sin's shackles. But that freedom addresses the area we all find ourselves in at birth when sin's 'handcuffs' are latched upon us. We entered this world as sinners for "all have sinned" (Paul in Romans 3:23). We all need to have the handcuffs released and that's what Jesus did when He died and rose again. He offered a FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE! Luke said it this way ... "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (set free from bondage)" Acts 16:31 NIV. So that covers you in your relationship to God ...