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Monday Morning Blog - June 30, 2014

The New AGF Sunday Study Series is Called ... FREE. Paul makes a striking statement in Galatians 5:1 when he writes, "It is for FREEDOM that Christ has SET US FREE." (NIV)

Being set free assumes we are in bondage. The handcuffs pictured above are an appropriate illustration as to the kind of bondage sin shackles mankind with. Paul's statement is made about those who've been "uncuffed" ('set free') from sin's shackles. But that freedom addresses the area we all find ourselves in at birth when sin's 'handcuffs' are latched upon us. We entered this world as sinners for "all have sinned" (Paul in Romans 3:23). We all need to have the handcuffs released and that's what Jesus did when He died and rose again. He offered a FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE! Luke said it this way ... "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (set free from bondage)" Acts 16:31 NIV. So that covers you in your relationship to God Almighty. He wants you FREE. Salvation from the condemnation of sin is yours by belief in the work of Christ on the cross. Sin condemns you (handcuffed), salvation releases you (uncuffed)! You recognize your need for release from your condemning sin and then repent (turn away) and receive salvation and freedom because you believe Christ died for you.

Paul's words tell us that handcuffing began long ago and it comes upon all mankind with these words also found in Galatians 5:1, "... and do not let yourselves be burdended again by a yoke of slavery." (v1c - NIV) It was the "BONDAGE MAKER" that burdened all mankind with shackles and handcuffs when he (Satan) convinced Adam and Eve to violate God's simple command not to eat of the fruit of that one tree in the Garden of Eden. Their sin became our sin and sins burden is always knocking at the human entry door. When you break free from the condemning sin, the Bondage Maker wants you back in handcuffs and he dangles sin's enticements in front of each one of us. He's brutal! So Paul warns the "unshackled" of us that the burden of the handcuffs are a click away - falling back into sin's 'weight' (burden), 'oppression' (yoke), and 'captivity' (slavery). 

But may I remind you how Paul's words began? "It is for FREEDOM that Christ has SET US FREE." (v1a). The thing that makes this statement so striking is that Jesus is the "BONDAGE BREAKER" making Him mightier that the Bondage Maker! John said it to those who've been 'uncuffed' in 1 John 4:4, "The One (meaning Jesus) who is in you is greater than the one (Satan) who is in the world". Those are major statements for you and me as we fight off the urge to become once again shackled with sin's handcuffs.

Hold on tight to your Bondage Breaker. Draw close to Him in prayer and seeking Him in the Scriptures. See His greatness offered and promised today and everyday. And next Monday we'll speak of more from our thoughts about being "FREE".


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