Welcome to the new reality. It's everywhere in our world not just our country. It's been a path we've been on since before the turn of this decade.
Before 2000, it was called untruthfulness but today it has taken many forms. And it escapes from many mouths of people no matter what their stance in this life. News reporters, politicians, store owners, restaurant owners, etc have all adopted the terms. You may even have a co-worker who has adopted the new normal.
Another word beside untruthful has slowly taken center stage in the era we live and that word is "lie". It appears we tell people what they want hear rather than what is truthful. So we hear statements which may include untrue components and when called out about it we hear words like misinformation or disinformation. There's also unverified or unsubstantiated statements. I see there is more claims like these are made by those twisting words to make the subject they spin is true.
Reality in 2024 is not real. I've watch politicians make statements that have been fully unverified as reality. No! Why do they do this? People hear what they want to hear and from the source that fits the narrative they feel is ... Is! Have you heard the statement, 'Are you going to believe your lying eyes?'. At times we can SEE the truth when some spew lies.
No wonder the words found in Proverbs 6 are so appropriate.
16 "There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,
18 a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong,
19 a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family."
See v17? 'a lying tounge'. And v19? 'a false witness who pours out lies'. Verses 17 and 19 are connected because God hates lying in any form. So when you hear the words lie or mistruth or misinformation or unsubstantiated or any such terminology to discredit someone begin a search from the source who is being accused a liar. Often it may be what someone said but it's out of context completely changing the truth. Also, it may be a bent they have against the one who makes any statement.
Please don't think what I know your thinking. Yes, I'm including politicians and news reporters but I'm thinking of more. I'm also thinking of a blogger who claims to know and love Christ but is often writing in opposition to many church leaders. While some have merit most are just points of disparaging the leaders because of their bent.
I know I'm a product of the baby boomers being born in the early 50s, but I expect more from our culture and our society. What we've down slid into is a pathetic hate motivated culture. I realize the culture of life i grew up in is no longer present but that world was not led by unreliable folk. The attempts to put some against others have led to fist fights on our streets, uncalled-for punching and kicking of strangers (especially women who do not deserve such treatment), looting in stores, fires in the streets. Calls for unity have gone unheeded. Hate motivated more and more everyday.
We are a very lost deeply divided society. We've seen similar acts world wide. France and England have had issues recently. Soon we won't be able to have any peace or protection in this world. But there is an answer ...
It is Jesus Christ! He is the only uniter. He can't issue words or actions of hate. He lives all alike and He is the Prince of Peace. He is our only hope. A world, nation, country, person who turns to Him will see a transformation many think impossible. Can you imagine it? Try Him. Watch Him move. In Him there is hope. He is the only trustworthy One!