On July 13th, I was contacted by a group who were gathering Sunday mornings (for just a few weeks) to see if I might be available to speak at their times of worship. A number of circumstances and my seeking God made clear I should accept and I began July 27th. After a few more weeks, the decision was made to name this new church plant and after a process of accepting suggestions, the choice was made to call the church "AMAZING GRACE FELLOWSHIP".
The worship gatherings have all been at participants homes and good weather has allowed for us to be outdoors. We've been to Ashland, Rumney and Bristol so far and on this coming Sunday, we plan to be at a local state park on Newfound Lake. See the website for info: www.geocities.com/agfnh@ymail.com (this is a temporary site until we get our domain name).
See the Amazing Grace blog called "Being the Church" at this address: http://agfnh.blogspot.com/. I've posted the 2 previous posts on this blog but will be updating the AGF sites with new posts soon.
Note also that Sunday Connection is gathering with Amazing Grace this week. It starts at 10AM at Wellington State Park at Newfound Lake in Bristol.