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Monday Morning Blog ... I've Failed!

A few weeks ago, or maybe a month ago, I posted Monday Morning Blogs were to be written started then -- but as you can see, I FAILED!

It's been good, though, as I have been spending some really significant time with God reading His Word. praying to Him and learning His ways as of late. My perspective is getting more centered around the truth of the Almighty and less and less of me. Over the years, I have studied and studied the Bible and Biblical things to present at times of teaching and preaching. I mean, a lot of years ... and I can rattle off some really important Bible information due to that knowledge. But I haven't made devotional Bible reading and prayer a priority at times. I am though, making it more and more a priority now. I am amazed how in reaffirming myself to that and rescheduling myself that even the teaching responsibility I have at AGF is falling into place much better! Last Thursday (Aug 5) the study for that coming Sunday was complete and this past Friday at about 1am this Sunday's teaching was ready. God is impressing on me that He is Supernatural and that He can move supernaturally through me once I recognize my mere humanity and depend fully on His Holy Spirit.

Today, I spent some time sitting in at Rumney Bible Center's Pastor's Conference. There were two sessions this morning and one tonight that were very enlightening to me, as a man in his 50s. Here are two retired pastors, in their 70s, talking about the post-modern issues of our day. Both are right-on in their insights ... but very Biblical as well! Even though I am a student of understanding our culture and being able to communicate Christ effectively to them, I was challenged to my core by a very vital portion of Scripture that was referred to and mentioned in passing.

The text found in Matthew was correlated in my mind with a verse I've been meditating on from Galatians 5. The verse in Galatians 5:22-23 is on the Fruit of the Spirit; one of which is "self-control". The passage in Matthew was not even referenced (I had to look it up later to find where it was). It's in Chapter 16 verse 24, "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." (KJV) The key phrase was "LET HIM DENY HIMSELF"! I was challenged with that by the Spirit and later in the day I kept meditating on that phrase along with Galatians 5 where is says one of the nine Fruit of the Spirit is "SELF-CONTROL". I find I am often out-of-control as compared to being constantly in-control by the Holy Spirit. Jesus' words in Matthew 16 about 'denying oneself' became a light bulb shining bright in my heart! What ever the issue; physical, spiritual, emotional -- being under 'self-control' is acheived by my 'denial of self'! As the day wore on, I was challenged with being under 'control' and the words "deny self" kept running in my mind and then moved in my spirit to get in control. This occurred a number of times today and I am now being strengthened in my inward man.

So, even thought I've failed in posting a Monday Morning Blog as I've wanted to, I am victorious in my walk with Jesus today!


Narrow Way said…
praise God mike, "walk in the spirit". 2 Chron 16;9 he seeks to show himself on part to those who are loyal to him.

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