At AGF's (www.agfnh.net) Sunday Celebration we talked about the cross, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the palms, the resurrection. When I speak of these things, the images of being at church with palm branches flash in my mind. I remember as a kid getting a palm branch and bringing it home watching it turn from green to brown in a matter of weeks. The ritual of giving palm branches continued on in my life even when I led churches as their pastor years later.
This year was a bit different. My dear wife created a large vine wreath with decorations and laid it on the counter placing 3 candles inside (2 purple either side of a white one) with red, white and puple ribbons streaming down the front. And ... she placed on it's left side a single palm branch. I was able to use it as an illustration during my morning talk. The cries of the Jews saying "Hosanna" and placing the palms on the road as the King rode the donkey into the city were a picture of worship to the nation Israel's Redeemer. Unfortunately, the Hebrews witnessed a seizing of their potential king-deliever and that did not sit well with them. A disappointed nation then turned their backs on the One whom they felt turned his back on them. So their reaction when Pilate gave them the choice to release or crucify Jesus was ... "Crucify Him!". Were they wrong in their decision? Were they misled in choosing Barabus over Jesus? Were they finally aligned with their Jewish leadership who actually spearheaded Jesus' capture and conviction? The flip from Hosanna to Crucify Him was a history maker. It's also a challenge for us who claim to love and follow Jesus.
It is with ease we say, "I love You, Lord" or "Jesus is mine". It is a serious thing not flippant ones when these comments are made by Christ-Followers. Just this morning I read a comment by a good friend of mine. We attended Bible scholl together in the 70s in upstate NY. Later, he and his wife were on staff at an organization where my wife served for 10 years. He made this statement on his facebook page: "REMEMBER, CHRISTIANITY AS WE KNOW IT IS NOT JESUS' FAULT!" (he goes by Pastor Dos if you want to seek him out). Essentially, what he is saying is that the current 'Christian Community' is shouting "Hosanna" with their mouths but "Crucify Him" with their lives.
I was reminded the other day that I am not perfect (I won't tell you by who) and they are right! But imperfection is not license to discredit Jesus. There are opportunities daily to 'die to self' and live 'resurrected' lives that glorify the person and work of Jesus. Some call this week "Holy Week". For the Christ-Follower, 'holiness' is essential to maintain a "Hosanna" Life and destroy the "Crucify Him" Walk!