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What Happened in Florida

Mike and Kat left NH Sunday July 10th and drove to North NJ for a nap ... then onto Wash DC area for breakfast (both events out of the mini-van). The next stop (beside gas/bathroom/sandwich making) was in Hardeeville, SC on Monday at 10:30pm sleeping at the HIE ( The sleep was great as was the shower and complimentary breakfast. From there (we just minutes from the Georgia line) the trip took us to the Welcome Center in northern Florida. All the way, the heat and humidity was deep and hard for Kat to endure. We pulled into the destination on Tuesday at 4pm in Kissimmee.

This is Mike's sister's home where their parents also reside. Since there are medical issues and sister was going to europe for 2 weeks, we had to be the ones to be the caregivers (cooking, cleaning, shopping, driving around). We did get a few moments of break from that routine. We paid 2 visits to Downtown Disney and Melbourne Beach.

Then Wednesday, July 27th, the return trip began. Traffic and weather hampered the return and timing was less than desirable. The plan was to get to Northern, SC that night but we only made it back to Hardeeville by 11pm. We checked in once again at the same hotel. Thursday at 9:30am we are on the road again. By 5pm we arrived in the DC area so to avoid traffic on the Beltway, we visited the city (where both our sons were born).

Then we continued on (with a major threat of thunderstorms looming) to Baltimore then to York, PA. By 11:30pm we were in Lancaster, PA. That next morning after sleepin in a Days Inn, we visited full size OT Tabernacle and took the tour at the Mennonite Info Center.

Then came the worst part of the trip. Wrong turns, bumper-to-bumper traffic in Philly and NYC hindered our getting to Dover, NH to pick up at grandson from his mother's. We ended up sleeping in the mini-van at a Walmart parking lot just south of Worcester, MA at midnight (Friday into Saturday). We regrouped for a bathroom visit at a local McD's ... ate breakfast at around 5am and hit the trail to Dover arriving at 7:35am. Grandson was happy to see us (even if the pic seems otherwise)! And then to Rumney we arrived at 10:30am. 3500 miles in all. We watched the odometer turn over to 160,000 miles.

Now we're back in NH. Worship at AGF was exciting and it was good to be back. Kat stayed in bed most of Sunday and Monday as she felt a cold coming on but now we think it may be allergies (having similiar symptoms). Kat has a specialist visit at Dartmouth-Hitchcock tomorrow (Wed the 3rd) at 1pm. That will determine the next plan of attack for her.

Life goes on and all is well!


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