Pete Wilson in Franklin, TN wrote this on his blog:
There’s an article in the July issue of Church Executive that just came out last week entitled “Who Speaks Up?” I was skimming the article nodding along with most of what the author was saying until I saw my name. Then all of the sudden it became personal and I stopped to reflect.
Ron Keener wrote,
“I have to wonder: Who speaks for the church now? Billy Graham is 94 in November and we miss his presence in the pulpit. Franklin Graham has a strong message but his attention is rightfully overseas and focused on the parachurch.When CNN’s Larry King wanted a point of view from the evangelical church he went to Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, as if either of them really spoke for the church-at-large. Occasionally John McArthur, now 72, showed up at the “Kings Table,” and one or two other well-known preachers.Many of the best speakers for the faith, and for the church in the world, keep busy with their own congregations and avoid the national media scene. Chuck Smith Sr. is 84 and ailing. Charles Stanley is 80. Churck Swindoll and Jack Hayford were born in 1934.
He continues,
“Where are the “young bucks” within the church who bring it fresh thinking? And I don’t mean universalist Rob Bell. Such as David Platt, Pete Wilson, Mark Batterson, Randy Frazee or Rick Rusaw? They are so silent.The church is under attack like no other time, and if responsible church men and women don’t speak up on its behalf int these turbulent social and cultural times, other, not so well meaning, will.
MY TAKE: Pete goes on to say more, mostly about himself and his take (see it here: These great men who were mentioned, impacted their world that existed at their time. At 59, I tell many that the world I grew up in (late 50's, 60's, graduated and married in the 70's) doesn't exist anymore. All of these men mentioned, with only a few exceptions, understood the culture they lived in and became relevant spokespeople! Their message was that of the unchanging Word of God ... but their method of proclamation was in the dialect of the society they lived in. I mean, when I first heard of Chuck Smith back in the early 70's, he was called the "hip pastor" of the church! When we used the word 'hip' it certainly was never used of the church and certainly not the minister! The active, relevant, non-dying Christ-centered church in America has spokespeople such as the ones mentioned in the latter list ... you know, the 'young bucks' as they were called! I am grateful for the innovators of the Gospel message today. They speak in a manner the culture understands and responds to. They are skillful in the method for the 21st Century to deliver the 1st Century unchanging message! Kudos to them and let us who talk to the people of our world today take a lesson from them how to bring God's Word!