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Adventures in the South

On July 29th following AGF worship, Kathy and I drove south in our 2003 Caravan with 180,000 miles! It was about 12:30pm and we took a break about 4 hrs later very near the Tappen Zee Bridge. By midnight we were in the DC area and at around 4am we stopped for a short sleep at the NC Welcome Center.

Now before all the drama that surrounded Chick-fil-A, I told Kat that it would be really nice to try one out as they are few and far between up north. We found the best of all at around 7am in Roanoke Rapids, NC where the was a Chick-fil-A next to a Starbucks Coffee in front of a Walmart off I-95! We both had a nice breakfast sandwich, I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a stop at the Super Center yielded the item I needed to keep our cell phones charged. Great stop! Now onto Savannah, GA!

 Old Savannah

We arrived in Georgia about 2pm. We had a room booked at the Savannah HIExpress. This was Monday July 30. So we had supper and just relaxed ... showering and enjoying the A/C as it was hot and humid. A huge thunderstorm hit and gave us quite a lightning show. We slept great and the next morning our adventure in Georgia began. We drove around Savannah to scenes like the picture above and then went east toward the Atlantic to Tybee Island. I was anxious to see this area as I viewed a Rachael Ray Food Network show years ago where she spent just $40. for meals at the Island and the scenery stuck with me. We couldn't stay long, but the area was pretty impressive! We were amazed at the loud buzzing sounds all around us while viewing the scenes. We later learned that the noise was from cicada bugs. Google it. You can even watch and listen on YouTube to these creatures. Reading up on both Tybee Island and Hilton Head Island, SC (before driving down) we knew that the sea turtles would be preparing their nesting for the little ones to be born. I wondered if possibly this was the noise we were hearing. Kathy, on the other hand was calling it right all along. She thought it was probably Cicada, which I had never heard of before!

Tybee Island
After about an hour of driving around, we headed back to I-95 to drive into Florida. We made it to our destination in Kissimmee around 6pm where we were to visit with Mike's family. Mom, Dad and sister Deb live there.
All around us

There's more to come! So stay tuned!


يارا said…
شركات مكافحة الحشرات بالاحساء
تقدم شركة مكافحة الحشرات بالاحساء تخفيضات و عروض جبارة للعملاء الكرام وتقدم الشركة كل الدعم الذي يضمن نظافة المنزل من كل أنواع الحشرات حيث تتمتع الشركة بمستوى خدمة راقي لنيل رضا العميل وتوفير الراحة وأفضل خدمة به حيث تستعمل الشركة منظفات مطابقة للمواصفات العالمية ومرخصة من وزارة الصحة كما أن هذه المنظفات مصرح بها من وزارة الصحة العالمية وذات جودة تنظيف هائلة وتمتلك الشركة كل الأجهزة و الإمكانيات و الأدوات و كل اللازم لإتمام عملية الإبادة وترفض الشركة بأي حال من الأحوال استعمال المنظفات الرخيصة التي لا فائدة منها وتحرص الشركة علي إقامة علاقات ذات مصداقية و شفافية لكي نصبح الأفضل دائماً.

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