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Showing posts from June, 2013

Kingdom Church

Sorry about Monday Morning Blog ... THIS IS FRIDAY! Nevertheless, I've been thinking a lot about the Kingdom of God lately. I read the gospels, some exciting verses in the epistles and I see "the Kingdom" mentioned. I mean it hits me right square between the eyes. In reflection, these readings strike me as different than I saw them in the past. I really thought the "church" was the highlight of the New Testament writings but I see Jesus' statements about the kingdom and the epistle writers statements to be far different than that. This is not minimizing the importance of ecclesia ... within Kingdom thinking and teaching it is enhanced toward God's actual design. I've pastored the ecclesia for 30 years and for the majority of them, Kingdom and the King of the Kingdom was rarely referred to (unless it just happened to show up in the passage for the sermon that Sunday). A few years back, though, that began to change. I began reading the Scriptur...

Monday Morning Blog - June 10th Edition

I cannot help but think of Jesus among the crowds this morning as I sit at my local Monday morning eatery and seeing the people sitting in here. The heart of the Savior was broken as he saw the crowds of needy people ... some who knew and the others who didn't. I am reminded of my own life "B.C." (before knowing Christ!) - there was a void there. Even though I was a 14 year old, I knew something was missing. I tried, as many do, to fill it with "things" that I thought were the answer to filling the void. For me, at that time, it was music. Playing in a rock and roll band and making it big was my attempt to fill that void. Later that year, I found Jesus to be the answer to my search. I still enjoyed doing music, but I had a great new reality in my life that revised my focus. THANK YOU, JESUS! Now here I am, many years later, sitting in this cafe seeing folk who's lives are out-of-focus. There's a young couple across from me with a little bald-headed b...