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Monday Morning Blog - June 10th Edition

I cannot help but think of Jesus among the crowds this morning as I sit at my local Monday morning eatery and seeing the people sitting in here. The heart of the Savior was broken as he saw the crowds of needy people ... some who knew and the others who didn't. I am reminded of my own life "B.C." (before knowing Christ!) - there was a void there. Even though I was a 14 year old, I knew something was missing. I tried, as many do, to fill it with "things" that I thought were the answer to filling the void. For me, at that time, it was music. Playing in a rock and roll band and making it big was my attempt to fill that void.

Later that year, I found Jesus to be the answer to my search. I still enjoyed doing music, but I had a great new reality in my life that revised my focus. THANK YOU, JESUS!

Now here I am, many years later, sitting in this cafe seeing folk who's lives are out-of-focus. There's a young couple across from me with a little bald-headed baby. Could be they are on vacation or they out out for a beginning-of-the-week morning breakfast. At AGF yesterday (where I serve as pastor) I shared some words from Luke 18:15-17 that spoke of people bringing their children (even infants - see ESV) to Jesus. That tender sweet baby is one that Jesus adores and loves.

In a table close by is a younger couple (a few years younger than me I suspect) with her mother sitting with them. I am surmising that it's her Mom because they look strikingly similar, but a stark age difference. Mom just asked the waitress what kind of chardonnay they had and the sample showed them was acceptable and the round was served. A click of the glass, a sip and food delivered (which the daughter is sharing the Mom and husband's meal), happiness is there. Now that I think of it, the man and women may be brother and sister?!?!

I am grateful for my wait staff. The cook also comes see me when I arrive. He knows I like my coffee bolder than normal and he announced today that he was having a pot of "dark magic" brewed immediately. The waitress I was able to thank when she cleared a recently emptied table, for taking time to brew my coffee.

Moments ago the store owner greeted me with a hello and waive. Much like Jesus did in His day, I see this place as a mission field, ripe for harvest. So it's seed planting for me, on Jesus' mission! I am loving my morning in being in a place and around the lost to be able to shine the light of Christ. This part of my life journey today is just beginning. Maybe ... more of this story will be told!

Sunday worship leads to Monday worship. Properly dealing with the vertical (our connection with God) causes us to properly deal with the horizontal (people within our sphere of influence). Let us connect with Jesus and others. Lots of voids are here. Christ fulfills that void and your story of Him filling yours NEEDS TO BE TOLD! >>>Hey! It's MISSION MONDAY!


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