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American Politics and 2016 Election

As a Team Leader and Bible Teacher in a local Fellowship of Christ-Followers, I have never taken sides in a choosing a candidate or making my choice publicly known. Free speech says I can, but that same freedom also allows for my silence. A number of my Facebook friends are quite verbal with their choice and enjoy expressing their disdain for the other candidate. Simply, my take is that this highly important personal choice is for the secret ballot box where we stand alone in a curtain-closed cubicle. Further, expressing my favor for one candidate over another in an open forum or even small talk with friends may stir some to anger, wrath or worse. As a child of the King, I am called to be a person of peace.

Now listen, there is one who is fully aware of to whom I am leaning and that's my best friend, my dear wife. Even with four weeks left to election day, incidents or issues could arise which may have an effect on which way I may lean. So you may have guessed my choice is not yet solid. I want to pray and ask the Almighty for guidance given all the info available. I am uninterested in hearing the arguments of the news channel talking heads or political pundits. 

With that said, the two major party candidates have deep flaws which are publicly documented. They are not partisan accusations but clearly documented (even in video feeds) facts of wrong doings, wrong choices, wrong words and wrong actions of cover-ups. Sadly, the reported accusations toward one includes a silent absolve of the other and vice-versa. Over the years American politics have become more and more corrupt. Unfortunately, it's become true from the very top (the President, Vice-President, Cabinet members) to those with lesser titles (Senator, Representative, High and Circuit Judge, and State Governors). Corruption in government has been around since Bible times; but rarely was it openly displayed centuries ago as it is today.

We have choices beyond the two major candidates. The system in our country allows those choices to appear on the ballot this November. Also appearing there are state and local choices for public office. The people of America do not need to love politics or the current process, but exercising our right to chose is necessary. Will you join with me in prayer for our nation, our election and our candidates? You can't be callous in this election season by declaring your preference or even a party without weighing the facts of information available.

One final thought, if I may. The current tenor of US politics clearly say we need change. I'm not talking about changing the policies of the current administration; but I am speaking to the clear, sad, open divide in our Republic. Instead of being people FOR the ideals to which this country was founded - we've become a people AGAINST others with view points that are not shared. That which divides us are only secondary preferences. We can stand against something that does not fit into personal principles. And we can allow for others to stand upon their principles as well. BUT THESE PERSONAL PRINCIPLES DO NOT NEED TO DIVIDE THIS NATION. Some have made American politics to become Liberal v. Conservative. Our founding fathers crafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a manner that 'We the People' would be 'One Nation Under God'. The current election can become the beginning in bringing this nation together. How? By asking God Almighty to draw the people of America together no matter who becomes the highest elected official in the country. Remember ... No Matter Who Is President - God is Still King of the Universe!

Please God, banish the division in America today and replace it with unity and patriotism together. Thanks for allowing me this opportunity.

(BTW - This writing has sat on my tablet for 5 days. I prayed about publishing it all these days while it sat in draft mode. After re-reading it and more recent events of this 2016 election process, I sense the need to publish it now).


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