MMB - 12/5/2016 What Is The REAL Christmas Bible Verse?
Many Old Testament prophetic passages and New Testament Gospel verses give the message of Christmas. The Miracle, the Message, the Mystery, the Mandate and the Mission of the MEANING of Christmas is found in the Psalms, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke and John. Even Hebrews and some of Paul's letters refer to the Birth of the Savior.
With all these passages proclaiming the Savior's birth ... which would you say is the greatest? Personally, I love the prophetic words found in Isaiah 7 and 9. You find these passages as the basis for the great words of the famous "Messiah" by Handel. My very favorite is "For Unto Us" from Isaiah 9. It prophetically proclaims the name of the coming Savior: Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Then there's the story of how the birth of Christ occurred. It's found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. It embraces many of the Old Testament prophetic words in their accounts. Then it tells the narrative of all those encountering the specific events from the Innkeeper to the Shepherds to the Wise men. It also includes the Angelic Messages of proclamation to Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, Elizabeth and others of this exciting world changing event.
And as dynamic as all of these passages are, there is one rarely referred to I believe is the greatest REAL Christmas Bible verse. It tells God's exact plan in one dynamic statement. It speaks of the gift of the coming Christ which I'm sure is the pattern of our gift-giving during this wonderful season. And it spells out the purpose of the gift ... the Savior of the World. So what verse am I talking about? Normally, the verse is on a large sign at sporting events, or billboards off the highway or at inner-city missions. It's used year round not just at Christmastime. Because, you see, the reality of Christmas is 24-7-365 -- not just December 25!
I guess I kept you in suspense long enough. The verse I'm alluding to is John 3:16! "For God so loved the world He GAVE His only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." So, there it is. Don't you agree? What is found in this verse is the Message - the Mystery - the Miracle - the Mandate - the Mission of Christmas!
As you celebrate with family and friends this joyous Christmas season ... remember that there are many with troubled hearts for various reasons that need the gift of God found in Jesus Christ alone. Make His Mandate and Mission yours this holiday and share that Good News with those you work with, those you see in your neighborhood, those you encounter at the stores you shop. By doing so, you'll be "giving back" to the Gift-giver of Life Eternal.
Merry Christmas, dear friend!