Happy New Year ... Nearly Six Months In!!! Oh well! In complete honesty the past few years have been a deep season of testing for us. In April of 2015 we left New Hampshire where we had resided for nearly 30 years for the sun of Florida. Two years later as applicants with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) we moved to Phoenix to be part of SENDPhoenix Church Planting. Our one-year internship plan was cut short in February of 2018. We were living in the desert of the USA and felt dry, alone, confused (in human terms) and directionless. These were days of seeking our Lord and King. By early March we sensed we need to move back to Florida. It's been over a year since that move and we've seen the Hand of God at work but not in the way we thought. Since leaving our NH home and the short 7 months in our Phoenix rental, we've been living with friends and family and have been unable to get into our own home for a variety of reasons. In July of last year, we found a NAMB friendly church to continue our pursuit of being a NAMB Church Planter. The church is in Melbourne, about 70 miles from the home we are in here in Kissimmee. A job opening came to pass (also in Melbourne). A normal week is a long drive to work (about 95 minutes one way) - an 8 hour work day - and the long drive back 5 days a week. The same drive occurs most Sundays as well. Only one attempt to get into our own home fell apart just moments before signing the lease. That was just four weeks ago. In some ways, we are still in that dry season but we do feel the Lord is with us.
We will be making more attempts to find housing down in Melbourne area in the next week. PLEASE PRAY WITH US. WE NEED GOD'S MIRACULOUS HAND TO GET US INTO OUR OWN HOME CLOSE TO WORK AND OUR POTENTIAL MINISTRY AREA. Funds have been tight since our cross-country moves to AZ and back to FL. God knows that and has allowed my current job to provide full time work (which seldom occurs with them) plus overtime (which normally NEVER happens).
Some of you may wish to contact us, contribute to our need and partner with our potential ministry. We anticipate an 18 month period to replenish what was lost in that move ... and rebuild a good financial standing. Our contact e-mail for our "LIFE JOURNEY" Ministry is: -- we appreciate you all and love you.
Today is Memorial Day and we are thankful for all who have served our great republic. Thanks for taking time in this update! See you soon.