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JESUS LOVE -- MMB 9/9/2019

MMB – 9/9/2019 … JESUS LOVE
On August 25th I haimg_20190824_180534878d the privilege of giving the Bible Talk (Sermon, Message, Bible Teaching) at Maple Grove Baptist Church in Lakeport, Florida. I shared some spectacular insights of how Jesus Loves using the examples of (1) The Rich Young Ruler in Mark 10:17-21 and (2) Apostle Peter in John 21:15-17. Both of these examples show the staggering Love of Jesus in a way that fulfills John 3:16, “For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE His only Begotten Son …”. John 3 along with John 21 and Mark 10 use the Greek New Testament word for “love” … AGAPE. You see, AGAPE is unique. In most cases love is received or shared with an expectancy of return. But AGAPE (as John 3:16 suggests) GIVES without strings attached. Whether or not any kind of affection or heartfelt feeling is returned AGAPE GIVES! This is what Jesus did with the Rich Young Ruler (no name revealed in Mark 10) and Peter in John 21. Without going into all the details of the talk I gave, allow me to point out the highlights.
  • The Rich Young Ruler – Mark 10:17-21   This wealthy Jewish young man came to Jesus seeking the secret of gaining eternal life. Jesus responds by quoting the “easy-for-the-guy-to-accomplish” Commandments. Jesus purposely did this. He got the guy’s attention. The young man knew he had a long history of living out these commandments. But when he thought he was secure, Jesus hits him with a deep and uncomfortable challenge. But before Christ does, Scripture makes clear why He did it. It was not to rail on him or harm him … it was an act of AGAPE. Verse 21 says, NOW WATCH THIS … “Then Jesus looking at him LOVED him” (AGAPE is the word used here of Jesus’ love). It’s with this heart of love the Savior, who provides eternal life, then reveals the truth to the man. He actually fails the 10 Commandments when Jesus says “One thing you lack … sell whatever you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven … take up your cross and follow me”. In reality the young man lacked in the 1st Commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3 NKJV). But the next verse (Mark 10:22) reveal treasures – his riches – were his god. Even though the man’s riches were his god, which Jesus knew all along, Christ still AGAPE him! Do you see that? We wouldn’t bother going further if we knew rejection was coming. We’d find a new prospect. But that’s NOT what AGAPE does. AGAPE GIVES! For a moment, close your eyes and see Jesus, beaten, bloody and bruised hanging on the cross breathing His last breath, and see AGAPE … GIVING Love. That’s JESUS LOVE!
  • Peter – John 21:15-17  The second example is Jesus’ post resurrection encounter with Peter. Recall the last words Jesus spoke to Peter before His crucifixion. He told him he would deny Christ three times before the morning rooster would crow. John 21 is often seen as Jesus reinstating the sinning Peter. I even taught that for years. I mean Peter denied Jesus three times and in John 21 Christ asks Peter three times “Do you love me”? Yes, Jesus did ask Peter three times do you love me … but AGAPE gave Peter reinstating after the very first time He asked. Catch Jesus’ words to Peter, “Feed my sheep”! BOOM! Reinstated! But the whole encounter reveals the similar ‘JESUS LOVE’ seen with the Rich Young Ruler. Only a real understanding of Greek terms do we see the real conversation of Jesus with Peter. There are three Greek words for the one English word “love”. Two of the Greek terms show up in the encounter and conversation in John 21. Jesus asks first of Peter “Do you love me?”. Peter answers back “Lord, you know I love you”. But the one word ‘love’ in English is actually two Greek words in the New Testament. Jesus uses AGAPE (God Giving Love) while Peter uses PHILEO (an Affectionate or “brotherly” kind of love). Again, AGAPE stays right with Peter even though he answers wrongly. Well, not wrongly, honestly. You see, the pre-denying Peter would boldly say back I AGAPE YOU, but that would not be honest. He just denied the One asking this question. So Peter has been humbled to the point of honesty (even if it’s against his nature!). Peter is no longer one who spouts off at the mouth without regard to what he says. He is now honest and open to Jesus’ AGAPE. Now, Christ’s first two questions of Peter’s heart of love both use the Greek word AGAPE. And both responses of Peter use the Greek PHILEO, essentially saying ‘I have an affection for you’. As I said, Peter’s honest answer allowed Jesus to LOVINGLY (AGAPE) immediately reinstate Peter to “feed sheep”. Interestingly, Jesus’ third question takes a shift. It is actually out of a heart of AGAPE Jesus thirdly uses the Greek word PHILEO to Peter, “Do you even have an affection for me?” and with the heart of honesty Peter says ‘I do have an affection for you’. But recall, Peter’s heart melts as tears flow that Jesus’ AGAPE heart would stoop down to his level in the final question.
Our whole purpose in such a Bible Teaching is to give God glory and to stir our hearts to follow Christ more deeply. So we Praise God in the privilege to proclaim His truth.


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