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MMB. Listen to this ... Part 4

The time period: September 1967.

The place: Southbridge, Mass.

The story: A 14 year old HS freshman's account of his meeting Jesus Christ as his Savior and the beginning steps of his life as one of His followers.

The invitation: If you would like to directly contact, or if you have a question for Mike, use the LifeJourney email: or text: 603.960.4949.

On with the next segment...

My times of discipleship with Ray, Mrs. O, John DeBrine, youth group or church just did not address any kind of strong opposition people may have toward the Gospel message when shared. Neither discussed was the devastation I was feeeling with the physical attack I encountered on my paper route while telling others of the new life Christ offers.

But it's important to say that even though I was completely floored by the incident, I never once denounced my faith or desired to turn away from my Savior. But I did have very strong feelings about witnessing or sharing my life story with others. I can almost hear myself utter the words, "That's it. I'm through. This is someone else's job ... Not mine!" From that moment on I kept silent about my life with Jesus. I just thought that the Lord didn't need me to make Him known if these were the consequences.

Today, some fifty-five years later, I can tell you that along the way and shortly after the attack, my feeling of "Evangelism Silence" was short-lived. Being so long ago, I don't recall exactly what the Lord used to change my heart but I can say this, Evangelism is near and dear to my heart. 

I recall that less than two years later, while on summer staff as a dishwasher at the Word of Life Inn, I often spent my days off traveling with the Open Air Campaigners to Lake George, NY to be part of their outdoor evangelistic efforts in that summer resort where many would flock for vacation with families. Very present as well were those of the "Hippie" generation. The hippies weren't much older than I, but I remember speaking to them after they and others gathered around the OAC van and evangelist to hear the good news of Jesus and salvation in His name. The missionary would teach a Bible message using a drawing board and paints. While he was preparing the board for the lesson, some of us on the team were invited to give a testimony of our own encounter of finding Christ as Savior. And yes, just about 15 months of making my declaration to "be done" with sharing Christ, I was on the van platform with a microphone and loudspeaker giving my own story of following Jesus! When the Lord grabs your heart and His Spirit moves in your life your feelings take second place. He was actually changing mine with a sort of revival and renewal. That day I in Lake George, NY I explained the Gospel to a young hippie as he responded to the Good News by placing His trust in Christ. That, folks, erased the paper bag attack incident fully.

My confidence began to build. Silence was no longer my manner of life while following Christ!

Prior to that summer incident, on Easter Day 1969, about a year and a half following my salvation experience, I obeyed the Lord by giving an outward testimony of my inward renewal by being baptized. Being immersed in the waters of baptism did nothing to cleanse me of my sin or renew me in living for Jesus. Instead it was a the way to express to others publicly and outwardly of what happened to me inwardly by following Jesus as my Savior. This took place in the downtown Church where my parents became involved with the youth. If my recall is correct the woman's trio which my Mom and Mrs. O were part of, sang at a nearby church just over the stateline in Eastford, Connecticut that Easter Day. Unbeknown to us at the time, that Baptist Church would soon become our home church. The third person of the trio was the downtown Church's pastor's wife. She and her husband moved on when a rumble occured in the church of the youth group's growth and influence and people seeing a Spiritual renewal occuring. The old guard had a hard time with such changes. The new pastor was more on par for the old guard but was not a positive one for the one's giving their lives to Jesus and desiring to serve Him. The result was my parents were no longer youth leaders, the trio disbanded, and all the wonderful joyous activities of many new Christ-Followers seemed to be unaccepted. The small Baptist Church in Connecticut was much more accepting of the Spiritual activity that took place the last two years. So for our family the changing of churches occured.

Events of the summer at WOL Inn led to a renewed commitment to Evangelism coming into my Junior year of HS. Ray too, had a new church he was attending nearer to his home (which was in the next County over from ours) where his dear brother was called to be pastor. Often Ray would bring some youth from his church and my folks in the van with youth from our new church to Youthtime rallies each month. Mrs. O's group of girls were intact. They still met separate from the downtown  Church. Their family did not leave the church yet. It wasn't long after though that our church in Connecticut planted a daughter church in our hometown. One of the founding families were the Olson's! While I was in college I had the joy of visiting the new church which was meeting in my HS auditorium! And then in the early 80s I was invited to preach at Faith Baptist Church, Southbridge, Mass! Some of my HS classmates found Jesus as Savior and were there when I spoke that Super Bowl Sunday.

All of this occurred because a man felt burdened to take a young 14 year old HS freshman to a youth rally in the big city. No doubt the Holy Spirit's hand was leading making plans for big things. But there were more big things about to happen and that will be our next segment in Part 5. Come on back!


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