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Blessed ... Psalm 33

"Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord." Psalm 33:12 ESV

Post election comments for the Church of Jesus Christ.

This is not a political statement. This is not a pro-candidate writing. This is not to be seen other than a word to the Body of Christ.

Politics divide. The Holy Spirit unites. Politics are extreme. The Lord is loving to all. Politics have agendas. The Heavenly Father has a perfect will. Politics will use hate speech. God speaks with mercy and grace. Politics lifts up personalities. Christ is the one who must be lifted up.

This past season of politics in America ended today. Oh, there are a few races left to be determined but your mail box and streets should finally become free from political litter (I call it). What we witnessed was some of the worst politics have to offer. Accusations. Melays. Hate Speech. Blatant made up lies and mistruths. Politics bring out the worst in people. It is clear that the god of this cosmos (devil) goes full force to bring factions and bullying where there should be solutions and harmony. This is where God's Body, His Church comes in.

As a pastor of many years I have seen politics creep into the church along with all it's ugliness. This is not God's design. His design is found in Matthew 5:13-14. The church is to be "Salt" and "Light". Salt preserves and it makes things taste better. Light exposes what's in darkness and brings us to the right path. It also shines in the cosmos of darkness. It is a mistake for the salty light bearers who are indwelt with God's Holy Spirit to get caught up in the devices of the enemy which divide and spew hate. 

The churches the Apostle Paul wrote to in his Epistles most began with the words grace, peace and mercy. What a stark contrast to the political culture. Even in the arena of politics the Body of Christ is to be Salt, Light, Merciful, Gracious and Peaceful. The tendancy for Christians is to walk in the Spirit in life up to politics. Then the walk in the Spirit is forsaken and the shift to political hate and division kicks in. There is nothing wrong with having your political "drothers", but going beyond civility to spewing the opposite of our calling is wrong. It is better to keep our mouths shut and opinions to ourselves. If asked, of course we can share our preferences but we do so kindly and graciously. Seasoned with salt, if you will. 

I won't labor the point. I will simply say, don't let politics define you. Let Christ define you. Let His Spirit lead you. Reject the spirit of political trends. Adopt the Spirit of Christ in me, Light of the World. 

We as Christ followers are different by design. The results of this political season will cause rejoicing for some and weeping for others. Scriptures tells us in Romans to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. So do not rejoice over the weepers. You've been designed differently. And don't weep over the rejoicers. BE THE CHURCH! Be exactly who God designed you to be. Salt and Light!


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