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The American Church … ?

The American Church is out-of-touch with the Post-Modern Culture. Those of us who make such statements have been tagged as unscriptural and at times heretical. While it’s true that some within the so-called “Emerging Church Movement” are weak in their doctrinal stance, most I have found are very solid Biblically. For example, in the book “An Emergent Manifesto of Hope” (2007, Baker Books - edited by Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones), Part 4 is dedicated to theology. It’s entitled, ‘A Hopeful Way Forward’. Pagitt intoduces this section of six chapters with the following title, ‘Theology of Practice, Practice of Theology’. A contributor within Part 4 is Dan Kimball. He writes in chapter 18 about Humble Theology, as he calls it. The subtitle says, ‘Re-exploring Doctrine While Holding On to Truth’. A visit to Dan’s church in California reveals deeply committed followers of Christ especially in the area of the study of Scripture.

Simply, the issue centers around viewpoints concerning the church. Is the church a place where believers gather to grow and interact — where all things centers around itself? Or is it a hospital where all are spiritually needy — both inside the walls and those outside? Casting Crowns bluntly exposes the introspective church failing the Post-Modern Culture in the song, “If We Are the Body“. The church is either a club to join or a vital factor in our world by fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Command (LOVE GOD - LOVE OTHERS - MAKE DISCIPLES)! Too many American churches are in the ‘club’ zone. We count attendees, log the numbers, review the records, blame the pastor if numbers are stagnant and then boast church growth if a family comes in who actually bounced from another church for whatever reason. No wonder those outside the American church are skeptics … and you know, I’m almost becoming one, too! Where the Body of Christ should be impacting our society as salt and light, our culture looks at church goers and those calling themselves Christians as anything but caring, loving followers of Christ. So, except for a number of missional and incarnational communities of faith, the common American church is losing it’s viability, sad to say.
Just recently I read the following quote qbout the decline of the American Church:
“My primary assessment would be because American Christians tend to be incredibly self-indulgent so they see the church as a place there for them to meet their needs and to express faith in a way that is meaningful for them,” said cultural architect Erwin McManus, lead pastor at Mosaic Church in Los Angeles, to The Christian Post Monday.
“There is almost no genuine compassion or urgency about serving and reaching people who don’t know Christ,” he added.
McManus is absolutely right. Returning to the root of the cross is what the American church needs >>> God’s Love (John 3:16; 1 John 3:11ff; 1 John 4; Philippians 2:5-11). The Post-Modern is open to truth (even thought they’ll question it). That leaves a wide open door for loving, caring followers of Jesus to step in and display Christ’s heart and life to them. When that happens … watch the Spirit move! It will stagger you and revitalize skeptics to see Jesus and who He really is!


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