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Good Reads

In keeping with the Incarnational Church theme, allow me to encouage some good books that may help in becoming missional Christ followers.

I have come to appreciate Chip Ingram, who for many years was a pastor in Santa Cruz, CA. He saw great benefit in a young man who was working with youth and allowed him to begin a church within the church called “Graceland”. That young man is Dan Kimball, who has since started Vintage Faith Church. One of the books that excites me is ...

“The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations” by Dan Kimball
Forewords by Rick Warren and Brian McLaren ... Running commentary throughout the book by:Rick Warren, Brian McLaren, Howard Hendricks, Mark Oestreicher, Sally Morgenthaler, Chip Ingram

The following is found on the website explaining the book:
While many contemporary church leaders have been busy in our church offices preparing sermons, running church programs and making church more professional, a new world is emerging all around us. We are fast moving from a Judeo-Christian world to a post-Christian world. This means we need to rethink leadership, preaching, spiritual formation, evangelism, what we do in worship services and most importantly of all how we view “church”.

The Emerging Church is not a “model” as there are hundreds and thousands of types of emerging churches. The book explores current cultural changes and then moves beyond deconstruction to give specific examples of emerging church ministry to hopefully inspire thinking about what to do in your local context.

Another book I have come to appreciate is by John Burke. He is a pastor in Austin, TX at Gateway Community. This book explores the post-modern thought and the approach needed within the culture of our world today.

“No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a come as you are culture in the church” by John Burke

Unlike the catch phrase some churches use to mean something different, Burke expresses ‘come as you are’ as an authentic invitation. Within his book, you’ll read the stories of people who find themselves in some of the deepest and troubling situations where those who loved them with Jesus’ love saw great transformations and now have hope. The ‘come as you are’ is less of an invitation to Gateway and more of an invite to meet some Christ followers in their homes and sense Jesus’ love no matter what you beliefs are situation in life might be.

Finally, in this first of a few posts on GOOD READS, there’s the former Franciscan priest, Brennan Manning who inspired songwriter Rich Mullins (”Our God is an Awesome God”) to name his back-up band as The Raggamuffin Band.

“The Raggamuffin Gospel” by Brennan Manning

Manning’s insights into a life with Jesus and allowing His life to influence ours is life-changing. This is a must read for all missional believers! I have a friend who has purchased a number of these books and distributes them to potential Christ followers like some hand out tracts! In fact, he’s the one who gave me my copy — thanks, Bill and may God bring fruit to your seed plantings!

Again, let’s return to the root of the cross: the love of Jesus! John 3:16.


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