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Incarnational or Institutional

Ever see a sign on a church or a Christian gathering place that says “Welcome” or “You are Invited to Come” or “Come as You Are”? After working in churches for over twenty-five years, I have found that those platitudes have an underlying meaning to them. I have come to see that these phrases are like bait to outsiders by insiders. For example, “Welcome” actually means ‘you are welcome to be like us’. The assumption is that those on the outside need changing — and the change is not “in the image of Christ” like the Scripture speaks of but the ‘image of the church’ and it’s idenity. Unfortunately, many of America’s churches do not image or reflect Jesus Christ at all. Pastor and author Dan Kimball from Santa Cruz, California addresses this in a couple of books he has written recently. In “The Emerging Church”, Kimball states that a group of University students were interviewed being asked two questions: “What do you think of Jesus?” and “What do you think of Christians?”. My thoughts were that these college students would come to the same conclusion that my generation in the 70s thought. Boy was I wrong. These post-modern kids had great and high regards for the person of Jesus. Some even said they wanted to be like Him! That staggered me. But the feelings my generation had about Christians were the same that these current college students reflect. They feel that Christians are narrow minded and they do not show the unconditional love that Jesus did. Somehow, those in the church and Christians in general have displayed a savior that doesn’t match that of the Christ of the Bible.

Just the title of Kimball’s most recent book tells it all, “They Like Jesus but NOT the Church”. What has the church become that these feelings are rampant in our culture? Again, it’s the proclamation of something with an underlying meaning. To illustrate, take the statement “Come as You Are”. Now that’s a very meaningful statement to our current generation. If most people felt they had to wear a suit or skirt to attend church, they would certainly pass. But many churches have become less restrictive and they make a statement on the outside sign that says, “Come as You Are”. Unfortunately, the statement means more than what you read. For many in the church feel the sign really means, ‘Come as You Are … but Leave As WE ARE’!

The issue is that many Christians leave a big void within the whole of Christianity as presented to us in the Scriptures. I was reading in my early time with the Lord just the other day from Mark chapter 1. Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and the voice from heaven proclaims Jesus as God’s Son, read the words:
Mar 1:9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Mar 1:10 And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens opening and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. Mar 1:11 And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Mar 1:12 The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.

I was struck with v12 where it says, “The Spirit immediately drove Him…”. That is the missing link within Christianity today. Both the American church and Christian organizations (not all but most) speak of the Holy Spirit but they wouldn’t know Him if he HIT THEM IN THE FACE! Very rarely is the Holy Spirit sought and waited upon. Jesus was driven by the directive of the Holy Spirit (because the Godhead operates in unity) — why aren’t we. When it comes to church attendance, what is sought out? Methods and programs. When it comes to finances what is implemented? Faith promises, motivational tricks and stewardship sermons. When it comes to evangelical reaching out, what occurs? Catch phrase programs, 40-day campaigns or other-like attempts. Let’s be honest … isn’t this true? I am not questioning the sincerity of churches and organizations who do these — I am questioning ‘Where’s the Holy Spirit sought in all of this”? Hudson Taylor, the great China Missionary who lost all his financial support said, “God’s Work Done God’s Way will Never Lack God’s Supply”! Read about George Mueller, who sought the Holy Spirit alone to feed and clothe the orphans under his charge. Until the Holy Spirit of God is reintroduced in the American church and christian organizations, the power and provision of God will remain absent and those outside the church walls will continue to question the offers to ‘come’ as suspect. Don’t get me wrong, God will still show Himself active but hindrences will exist and the free flow of blessing diminished. I have seen it first hand and continue to observe it.

This is simply a call to RETURN. Return to Jesus’ manner of being driven by the Spirit and let us display Jesus in all we do and say!


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