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EKKLESIA - Come or Go?

The NT Greek word for church is EKKLESIA. So what? I have been verbal about the state of the American Church in the last few years. Possibly I should have been more verbal over 20 years ago! As I read the Scriptures, the words challenge me more and more. Even more intriguing is my reading the Bible challenges my Theology. Let me explain:

In 1967, at age 14 I became a Christ follower (the term we used then was born-again believer). By the time 1969 rolled around, I was involved with a large Christ-focused youth and adult camp in upstate NY. I heard for the first time about the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. I hadn't been challenged in Scriptural studies about specifics until now. I had a lot of questions. This began a life of seeking the Scriptures BUT not so much seeking the mind of the Almighty. Instead, my study took me to a support of certain doctrinal theories of others (my teachers, my profs, my pastors even my discipler). Very little of my study explored alternative thinking but was mostly what was the accepted norm of mainline evangelicalism of the day. In the early 20th Century, Pentecostalism began and by the early 60's, the Charismatic Movement was awakening (as a new wave of the Pentecostals). So my training was deep in a non-charismatic, non-pentecostal understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the ministry of the Holy Spirit was minimized by my mentors. He was the 3rd Person of the Godhead and was painted as very passive and inactive. For years I read the Scriptures with that theory ever before my mind. I am deeply challenged in my theology now as I search the Scriptures and read the Book of Truth! The fears of the 60's concerning the Spirit, have been dealt with as we've found the Holy Spirit is a vibrant, active member of the Godhead Who is co-equal and co-eternal with God and His Son, Jesus Christ!

The Bible has been authored by the God who is NOT time-locked as we are ... therefore it transcends time, cultures, ethnicity, religions, etc. This means it is relevant the time it was penned and it is relevant even today ... thousands of years later! The mind and heart of God Almighty is eternally found in the pages of His Word. It is not only reasonable but practical to begin with His Holy Word and not surmize or speculate truth and tag Scripture on later to support ones speculation.

Ekklesia ... So What? This is Scriptural truth that must be sought out and accepted -- not an American restructure that we seek Scriptural support for. The Bible speaks of EKKLESIA ... but on the other hand, the current status of Church is a building, a time and a place we GO TO usually on Sunday morning. That is a contrast to EKKLESIA. This koine (common of it's day) Greek word is a combination of two distinct words: EK and KALEO. I've already given you a great deal to ponder, so on the next post I'll explain these two terms and what it means when we read it in the Scriptures. It will challenge your theology! As a preparation, try reading some of Paul's letters to the churches, but not from an American mindset. Just read and seek the heart and mind of God. You'll be in for an adventure!


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