An SNC Reunion BBQ and Praise Fest Gathering is being tossed around. We've spoken to a few of the SNC Gang who seem quite excited about this.
We'll have a BBQ Pot Luck at a local home and at another time and location enjoy a time of Praise, Worship, Sharing and Fellowshipping together (even with a meal ... just like always). If you have any ideas let me know asap as we get the word out and dates settled.
In early April 2007, on our yearly anniversary trip to Maine, Kathy and I viewed a new video series on being missionaries to introduce non-Christ followers to Jesus. The 4-Lesson series is based on the book and life of a Chicago pastor who has branched out from the comforts of his church community and has embraced others outside that community to see the staggering results of others giving their lives to Jesus. The title of the series is "Just Walk Across the Room" and is a fantastic home neighborhood connection to aid in our mission. Further, just last week I picked up a six-lesson video series that addresses much of the same, but from a younger generation non-Christ followers mindset. This too, is by a pastor from California who has branched out from his "comfort-bubble" (his words ... but I agree) based on the book he wrote less than a year ago called "They Like Jesus But Not the Church". For any who may be interested in hosting and/or connecting in such a home connection, let Mike know and we'l plan accordingly. There's a mission before us and we can't become comfortable in our bubbles!
The post on this blog site just prior to this one is for a new missional connection we're calling NORTHPoint Network. Read more about it by clicking onto the address of the NORTHPoint Site. I am excited as to what the Lord may lead this new venture to! Watch both this blog and NPN for a CoffeeConnection we want to establish ... a weekly gathering in the early morning of missional minded Christ-Followers around coffee and the Word to see Jesus on His Mission and how it affects us!
You'll be hearing from me soon!