We have had offers for the Reunion BBQ and now all we need is the date. An email and posting here will be forthcoming.
Watch for a note on this blog about EKKLESIA. That is the greek word for "church"! I hope it will stir your thinking.
Another thing: We have reopened the original SNC website with some major variations. The site is a work in progress -- some of the pages are being worked on still, but take a look anyway. The address is www.geocities.com/sundaynightconnection.
Finally, Kathy's progress is amazing. Some great news was relayed during a recent therapy session at HealthSouth. We'll be sharing that info very soon. Kat.Blog (her updated site) is http://katykleen.blogspot.com.
We hope to see you soon.
Watch for a note on this blog about EKKLESIA. That is the greek word for "church"! I hope it will stir your thinking.
Another thing: We have reopened the original SNC website with some major variations. The site is a work in progress -- some of the pages are being worked on still, but take a look anyway. The address is www.geocities.com/sundaynightconnection.
Finally, Kathy's progress is amazing. Some great news was relayed during a recent therapy session at HealthSouth. We'll be sharing that info very soon. Kat.Blog (her updated site) is http://katykleen.blogspot.com.
We hope to see you soon.