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Monday Morning Blog ... on Tuesday!

I missed MMB this week. I admit I am a bit out of sorts due to becoming very tired. But tiredness is no excuse for RESTFULNESS IN JESUS. I am reminded of that Psalm passage, "Be still and know that I am God". Often I hear my best friend and wife of my youth playing a YouTube version of this hymn. It inspires me and motivates me to take my moment of rest by being still in His presence. Amazingly, I am revitalized. I am renewed. I am ready. So even though a day late, the blog is here!

We were treated to an interesting Sunday with our yearly trip to the Beach being postponed but some still being there and some being at AGF! I am just glad our God is everywhere present. He is where you are! So please remember, dear reader, you can rest in Him at any time because his open arms are always there.

At BHFs (VBS Big Heart Farms) we reviewed the Fruit of the Spirit, and this past Sunday morning we looked again briefly at what character God's Spirit motivates in us as His Fruit becoming our Fruit of Righteousness: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. Allow the Spirit to MARK YOU FRUITFUL TODAY!

Comments are always encouraged and God's love abounds to and through us. Be back Monday!


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