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MMB 2018 - Monday Morning Blog ... Mon Mar 12, 2018


Many of you are watching our Life Journey as it unfolds via Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog and/or Website). To view these => simply visit our website to connect. 

UPDATE: The move from Phoenix to Orlando is now actively happening. Timeline so far:

  • FRI MARCH 9 - Packing Day (Kat had been packing Kitchen and personal items most of the week while Mike was at work but the other stuff needed to be in boxes) So bigger items were boxed and labeled or bagged and somewhat labeled. Some of this was done well into early early Saturday Morning.
  • SAT MARCH 10 - Loading Day 11 friends showed up to help load all of our items into U-Haul U-Boxes (it took two) ... When the U-Boxes arrived, it took about an hour and a half to load. Then when all departed, we loaded our 2012 Dodge Journey.
  • SAT MARCH 10 - Driving Out of Phoenix The route and travel North began around 5:30pm MT. The destination was Denver to see our sons and grandson. It is a 12 hour straight through non-stop drive from Phoenix to Denver but we don't drive that way. We actually make pit stops, resting stops, meal stop, fuel stops, relax stops, etc. We actually arrived in Denver close to 24 hours (4:50pm Sunday) later.
  • SUN MARCH 11 - Final Drive into Colorado and Hotel Check-in From Northern New Mexico through to Pueblo, Colorado we were seeking a relaxing, warm, eatery to have our Sunday meal. Other than snack crackers, water and coffee for Mike, we ate one meal Saturday and now Sunday at 3:00pm is our next meal. We chose a Cracker Barrel in Pueblo. Kathy had a chicken dinner type meal, Mike had breakfast. Just before leaving, Kathy observed a homeless young man and Jesus put a concern on her heart for him. He and his dog along with his life possessions in his backpack just sat there on a curb in the parking area. His head was drooped low. Kat engaged him asking questions and seeing him with Jesus' eyes. After a bit she felt moved to share a gift with him in Jesus' name. He was very grateful and seemed to be of better spirits. Pray with us for this young man.
  •  SUN MARCH 11 - Visit with Family We relaxed for a while in the hotel room before hoping over to the apartment where our boys live. We stayed for quite a while talking about a number of different subjects. It was really good to see them and be with them all. It's so hard to believe our grandson turns 18 years old this October. 
  • MON MARCH 12 - Family Day We will spend more time with our sons and grandson today and have a birthday meal together this evening.
This is the update. You can check out more on social media tomorrow concerning our whereabouts and travel updates.

Our Twitter updates will focus much on what God is teaching us and life lessons along this Journey to Florida. TODAY'S LIFE LESSON: Ezra 9 and 10. Just a passing comment. Ezra and Nehemiah record the work of God in rebuilding the temple. It was a huge undertaking. We, too, face challenges that appear to be huge, almost impossible. But an honest, open and clear perspective from the Almighty lightens the challenge load. Ezra saw the massive job ahead, but really saw Israel's spiritual need. They had forsaken the Lord's commands and were trying to begin this huge task with His help. Ezra revealed the Hebrew's sin of intermarriages with Gentiles. Brokenhearted over the nation's choice to disobey the Lord, Ezra prayed a prayer of confession with tears and humiliation. Shortly, the Israelites began to weep over their sin and began a cleansing in their lives for God to move mightily in the job ahead. Ezra 9:6 (CSB) "My God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face toward you, my God, because our iniquities are higher than our heads and our guilt is as high as the heavens". My prayer today will reflect Ezra's as I ask Him to search my heart to see my guilt to be confessed. May His will and way prevail.


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