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MMB Monday Morning Blog 8-26-24 Seasons

There are four season in the year. In Florida, where I currently live, the season are here too but not like in New Hampshire where I'm from. Florida has HEAT. I remember visiting my parents back in the 90s at their winter home in Wachula around Thanksgiving. We already had snow before our drive south. As we hit Virginia and North Carolina it was apparent we were no longer in the frozen tundra. My parent's mobile home had two bedrooms. It wasn't big enough for us and our two sons. They did, however, have a pop-up trailer under the carport, so it was fine. To stay in a pop-up in Northern New England in late November mas near impossible. You would begin to shiver in about 5 minutes. Nights would reach a low of 0°-20°F. But not so in Florida. After a great Thanksgiving feast we went shopping at the local Walmart. They no longer stay open on Thanksgiving. As I walked into the store I was hit with culture shock. The store was in festive colors and lighting for Christmas but one t
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Reality ... REALLY?

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MMB 7/29/24 - Callous

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On Hold - The Finale

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Revelation - A Bible Book Often Avoided

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ON HOLD Part 2

  This is the update of what’s going on. In the first part of On Hold, I told you of the difficulty I’ve been having difficulty Finding a replacement job. So after many more applications and searches I’m still … Unemployed! We are about to enter the 5th month of unemployment in July. I’ve had many lessons to learn along the way. In my recent daily Bible reading the Lord revealed somethings about myself. I am arrogant for one. I was hired at my most recent job in two days. It’s been two months of applications with many rejections, one interview and that being rejected as well.  But I was not a 70 year old man when last hired. I also did not have a termination on my record. So there it is. I even told a family member I’d never work for that company ever again. In comes the Lord with a scrumptious piece of humble pie. He put on my heart that if it’s His will for me to work for that company I better comply. And so I did, I thought. I put an application into a subsidiary company with a

On Hold

I kinda feel my life is on hold. I was given walking papers on my job of nearly 10 years in February and I used the time off unwisely. I made detailed lists of things to do around the house and to this day may a third of those have been completed. I waited a few months before taking action toward reemployment as February, March, April and May had visitors dropping by. Most importantly some were family we hadn't seen in many years. And the ones who weren't family members were very close friends that felt to us like family. First there was a newly wed couple from our home town in New Hampshire. He was a new acquaintance for us while she was a close friend whom we discipled in her spiritual walk since 1979. Her husband passed a few years ago and now she remarried. The next was my wife's older sister and her husband. We usually see them every time they come to Florida from New Hampshire as their daughter lives near Tampa. We are all getting older so it's good to reconnect w