Today is July 20th. August is upon us and so is the 6th month of unemployment. Correct. After many applications and about 6-7 interviews I am still without work. I was interviewed twice (two different companies) in person this week and I'm waiting on their call back. Both indicated there must be a second interview with others involved.
The last offering (Part 2) eluded to a humbling lesson learned. When I walked out of my last job on February 7th I made a to-myself-statement. Essentially I said I'll never work for this company again. But that was before my first humble pie piece I had to eat. So I put in applications with the company's other stores close by. Also I used a second email address so I wouldn't be tied to the store I worked at. I must have been hungry because I began to eat another piece of that pie. I finally reapplied at the store I exited 5 months earlier and yes, used my regular email address to do so.
The first part of On Hold revealed my money from my retirement savings had dwindled to about $100. I would not have money for bills, food, gas etc. Kat and I both receive Social security for our retirement and with it our health insurance plan. But together we get less than $1500.00. We pay a lot fee for our mobile home which is almost the full amount of my SS. I also pay for our electric out of that. Kathy's SS pays for a plan which we joined to help cover six monthly accounts which rose outrageously high with inflation. And then the other small $50.00 a month spending account I get through my health plan covers our cell phones and one other bill. I applied for unemployment which hit a snag but was later resolved and earlier this month we began receiving the FL maximum payments of $275.00/week. That is about half of what I got while working. So we sought the Lord and we were gifted just before the first unemployment deposit came over $1,000.00. What a blessing. Thank you Lord! We also went ahead to attempt to get help with food purchases and received a letter of denial just the other day. We will contact them to appeal next week.
So as you can see, On Hold is still on going. I am anxious to get back to work. Please pray with us to that end. We are grateful the Lord's watchcare remains our hope. He's our ultimate provider. Even though this is the finale of On Hold series, the story doesn't end. When the time comes when the wind of change arrives we'll share the update calling it NO LONGER ON HOLD! That will be exciting. Thanks for joining in. Talk soon.