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ON HOLD Part 2


This is the update of what’s going on. In the first part of On Hold, I told you of the difficulty I’ve been having difficulty Finding a replacement job. So after many more applications and searches I’m still … Unemployed! We are about to enter the 5th month of unemployment in July. I’ve had many lessons to learn along the way. In my recent daily Bible reading the Lord revealed somethings about myself.

I am arrogant for one. I was hired at my most recent job in two days. It’s been two months of applications with many rejections, one interview and that being rejected as well.  But I was not a 70 year old man when last hired. I also did not have a termination on my record. So there it is. I even told a family member I’d never work for that company ever again. In comes the Lord with a scrumptious piece of humble pie. He put on my heart that if it’s His will for me to work for that company I better comply.

And so I did, I thought. I put an application into a subsidiary company with a different email address I have. Shortly after no response I felt convicted and went ahead and added some associate stores nearby. I was not excited about these prospects. My store was close to home and coworkers were great folk.

The next few devotional texts of my Bible reading in Hebrews then James hit targeted my heart. I didn’t comply at all. An obscure email address instead of the one I always use as well as avoiding going back to the place where I was let go was challenged. Essentially the Word of God made clear to my heart the Lord chastens who He loves and enduring testing develop Christ honoring character. The arrow hit deep. So I confessed my sin and went on to James 4 where I was faced with “humble yourself and draw near to God”. Any ideas on what happened next?

The first part of “On Hold” ended with “something happened”. I will talk about that and more things happening as well as my response to James 4 in the next offering yes, part 3. See you soon.


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