MMB - 11/14/2016 SPECIAL EDITION - Post Election Alert!
We are nearly a week removed from the big election day last Tuesday. What have we learned? We have learned:
1. The Nation is Divided. Voter turnout was championed as higher than the past. But actual votes cast were much less than 2012 and 2008. The Electoral College and Popular Vote seemingly are opposite. Jubilation of victory is apparent but at the same time protests of that victory are erupting in major U.S. cities from coast to coast. Many who trusted the major network predictions and polls saw a completely different result, leaving both news media and pollsters to be questioned as to their accuracy and neutral party stance. Initial reaction by foreign stock markets to an apparent Trump victory plummeted stocks into deep negative territory, which affected even Wall St. which went down nearly 800 points in the futures market. Then when the dust settled, the Dow rebounded from that and has been on a historic tear ever since. Even as I write, at 9:48 am the Dow is at 18,904 (up 60.00). Some tout Doom and Gloom while others trumpet A New Day has Dawned. Yes, we are a deeply divided nation.
2. Candidate Statements are Extreme. When presidential candidates spoke at rallies or debated on stage their statements became harsh, deep and extreme. So much so that the media has played them as the candidates firm stance and platform; or even their heartfelt conviction. Remember the Mexican comments? It became spun as hate talk to all Latinos. I live in the Orlando area where there is a very large Puerto Rican community. Some of these dear children in the area schools are telling their school leaders that their parents fear being deportation. See how extreme that is? Puerto Rico is a U.S. Territory! They are not immigrants! Remember the Deplorable comments? It was spun to be much like the large % comments of Mitt Romney in 2012. What the candidates say to their constituents are for rallying purposes and sometimes they get extreme. Our President, Vice President, former President and many others speaking at rallies for Mrs. Clinton said the current President-Elect was "unfit" for office and a danger to have the Nuclear Code. But in her concession speech on Wednesday and the President's visit with Mr. Trump on Thursday, those words were absent. In fact, both were very cordial to the President-Elect in their words and support. Even some of the campaign statements of Mr. Trump to rally his supporters are now no longer so extreme.
3. Clear Change is the Order. Donald Trump represents change. The American people are tired of Washington gridlock, self-servicing action and financial non-accountability. Empty political promises were rejected. Firming up the immigration debacle was embraced. Fixing the failing Healthcare system was sought. The major party that claimed change won the election in Congress and the White House. The status quo was clearly rejected. Both parties in the past have held the White House and Congressional majority but were still stuck in status quo mode. This election proclaimed that this will no longer be tolerated. Apparently, if within two years before the next Congressional election occurs and four years at the next Presidential contest real change doesn't happen, the election will most likely flip again.
Now I want you all to know, this is my non-partisan, neutral opinion. Of course I voted and made my choice but it was for reasons that are different than what was alluded to above. As a Christ-Follower it is my desire to seek God's Kingdom first (Matthew 6:33) and allow His prompting to steer me in all aspects of life. It is my desire that all who claim the name of Christ, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend your own understanding. Seek His will in all that you do and He will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT)
So I pray the nation will come together, listen to the current words being spoken and pray for change that will benefit all Americans.