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MMB - 2-20-2017


It's coming up to 10 years since the day my dear wife of 30 years (at that time) slumped over the living room chair and fell to the floor while trying to go to the bathroom. Unknown to me, she slept in the recliner that Saturday night and woke Sunday morning with left side weakness. She had had a right side carotid artery dissection that resulted in a lack of oxygen in the right side of her brain. It was the result of a jarring to her head by a fall she had earlier in the weekend. When the MRI result returned the Dr. announced that Kathy had a "Major Stroke".

Of course, our many friends wanted to know more and more about Kat's condition, but being with her at the major medical center about an hour away in Lebanon, NH (Dartmouth-Hitchcock) and later the rehab facility also an hour away in the other direction in Concord, NH (HealthSouth), it would be exhausting to keep rehearsing with new people the ongoing story ... so I started a blog. The decision to do so was certainly the right one as many responded to the blogs in the comment section over and again.

Not only does the blog chronicle the events of her recovery, it also shows the work of God in this new facet of her journey (which is ongoing here 10 years later). We have both been intrigued by a young mother who also had a major stroke and she and her husband have been sharing the story ever since. The site for the Wolf's is This has stirred the possibility of Kathy too taking the blog posts along with newly unseen journal posts she has written to be combined into an amazing life story of her journey. The book will have her chosen title, "Days of Destination". 

Some of the posts on her blog are hers, but most are mine. The journal she has kept, though are all her entries. We hope to coordinate all these entries in such a way that will give a picture of God's activity in her new life condition and how great He is. You can view the blog here at Kat.Blog. As with all blogs, the newest posts show up first. You have to scroll pages back to see the very beginning first posted on April 30, 2007.

For those of you who know us, please pray as we work together on this project in the days ahead as we seek to help others and glorify God!



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