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MMB - 2/27/2017


You can count on it. That's right. I am talking about PRAYER and how God answers. In the past month I have seen God take my cries out to Him and pour out all heaven to answer me. But I had to learn an important lesson as I share this Monday Morning Blog Feb 27th edition: God answers HIS WAY.

You see, as I have had my prayer life renewed recently, I was experiencing answered prayer as never before. At times God would answer me while I am in the very Throne Room with the Almighty! But just last week my prayer "cloud nine" bubble was burst. God did not answer as I had requested. He did answer just not my way. Ouch. For weeks on in He was pouring out His heavenly blessing. Then this. Crushed, I went into a temporary funk. I say that because my go to Scripture lately has been 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Don't stop praying"! I'm not going to say I stopped praying but my Faith-Life Praying attitude was a bit altered. I couldn't handle the seeming unanswered prayer God had sent my way. But this was a teaching time as Andrew Murray would say, "With Christ in the School of Prayer". Even though my request to Him was specific and seemingly coming to pass, it was dashed in a moment when news turned it completely in a different direction ... one I wasn't mentally or spiritually prepared for.

Then the lesson in that classroom with Jesus occurred. It took a few days of funk to finally get back on track. But God was there waiting to teach, uplift, revive, renew and restore. My momentary fall was invaded by a God who loves, cares and heals a wounded soul. My disappointment of the life situation I was expecting a different answer for is still there in the back of my heart but I do not see it as unanswered prayer by God. It is clear God did answer just differently than I expected. And you know what's so awesome about it all. He revealed that to me in my moment of funk stinking-thinking! Isn't that amazing? Humanly we react so differently than that. We would walk away thinking forget you! But not Deity. He quietly, gently and tenderly comes alongside taking the salve of love and affection and applies it to the hurt and wound and then assures the broken soul, 'HIS WAY IS PERFECT'! "Just wait, just hold on ...". "I'm here". "I haven't left". Then He speaks wisdom words that calm soul and begins to heal the broken heart. "(My) Word is a lamp to guide your feet and a light for your path" [Psalm 119:105 NLT). And then there's: 

Psalm 32:8(ESV) I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

DON'T STOP PRAYING even if you think you've been abandoned ... You haven't been. He is answering you! COUNT ON IT! Never allow the enemy to steal your joy ... even for a short season of funk. Replace the "Stinkin' Thinkin'" with the Word of Truth.

You know what? I just gulped the rest of my morning coffee and boy it tastes so good ... and it occurred to me that's exactly what Christ has done for me when He answers my prayer - HIS WAY - It Tastes Really Good! Great ready, dear one ... God is working FOR YOU never AGAINST YOU!


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