For a few weeks I've missed my MMB entries for a variety of reasons but felt led to give an update this Thursday morning.
The title tells it all. I have been immersed in the Word and convinced my life of prayer and daily walk with Christ needed an adjustment. Wow! What an impact this has had. I will not go into any details here and now but I want you to realize I have seen a personal life impact by this decision. My prayer life (as evidenced by my prayer journal) has clear detailed answers from the Almighty - not just one or two entries but MULTIPLE ONES!
Allow me to encourage you! Do not be satisfied with the inferior when the Lord God has for you the SUPERIOR! My life and walk with my God has been impacted so much that the three words of this title post are more real to me today than ever before. This week has been so exciting to me. I look forward to my daily impact with Christ as I converse with Him and He with me.
And ... in sharing with my dear Kat -- she too has had this for a long while and our interaction has been striking! This has been such a wonderful personal experience, the Lord has asked me to continue in it for some time before revealing any details. So stay tuned.
You are so important to the King. Seek his Kingdom every day. Watch Him work.