Boxing Day is celebrated in Canada (and other countries). Wikipedia has all the info about it. Actually Boxing Day is also one week to the day of the 2nd day of the new year to come. Which made me think of a Christmas letter delivered me by an older gentleman I know. In it he commented on the poor economy and the USA's current situation stating it was clear we are in the time of the Lord's return. Later he made mention of the USA's need to repent and be revived. I took from it that God was judging the United States for it's unrepentant spirit with a bad economic outlook. I'm sure this sort of message is ringing loud in many common churches across the country. I wonder if they'll answer why the oil-rich countries have prosperous economies even though they follow Muslim teachings? I read a post from Mart DeHaan from RBC Ministries some time back and bookmarked it for future reading. As I revisited it today I read the comments made and they were intriguing! Here ...