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Showing posts from 2008

Happy BOXING Day! Or Merry Day After Christmas!

Boxing Day is celebrated in Canada (and other countries). Wikipedia has all the info about it. Actually Boxing Day is also one week to the day of the 2nd day of the new year to come. Which made me think of a Christmas letter delivered me by an older gentleman I know. In it he commented on the poor economy and the USA's current situation stating it was clear we are in the time of the Lord's return. Later he made mention of the USA's need to repent and be revived. I took from it that God was judging the United States for it's unrepentant spirit with a bad economic outlook. I'm sure this sort of message is ringing loud in many common churches across the country. I wonder if they'll answer why the oil-rich countries have prosperous economies even though they follow Muslim teachings? I read a post from Mart DeHaan from RBC Ministries some time back and bookmarked it for future reading. As I revisited it today I read the comments made and they were intriguing! Here ...

A Prayer for Christmas Eve

O God our Father, you have brought us again to the glad season .....when we celebrate the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant that his Spirit may be born anew in our hearts this day .....and that we may joyfully welcome him to reign over us. Open our ears that we may hear again the angelic chorus of old. Open our lips that we, too, may sing with uplifted hearts. Glory to God in the highest, .....and on earth, peace, goodwill toward all; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The United Methodist Book of Worship, no. 276.

Ice Storm in New Hampshire

We've been spared the ice storm's affect ... this time. We were living in Acton Maine in January of 1998 when that ice storm hit us and we were without power and phone for 8 days. The storm itself lasted 4 days. We sympathize and are praying for those in need at this time. For more on the storm's affect click here . We do have some ice around as the roadways have turned that way after plowing snow and heavy rain fell afterward - then froze. We did have some melting today. Temps got to 55! But they are dropping now at 11:30pm Monday -- 46. A cold blast and high winds are on their way. They are predicting possible power outages again. Many crews are out working hard and need our prayers for safety. Thanks, all for remembering us in New England. I understand our old stomping grounds in Worcester, Mass have been hit hard, too. We still have family in Sturbridge area. Trusting all is okay. Winter in New England is often changable and at times brutal. Today we were spared some ...


AGF will continue a great gathering around the sounds and joys of Christmas the next three Sundays in December (14th, 21st, and 28th). Mike will be talking to us from the Gospel of Matthew focusing on Jesus' Royal Birth and our worship music will include the great Hymns of Christmas! Our gatherings begin at 10am and will be held at the Creley's home on Buffalo Rd in Rumney. Look for the new AGF sign at their driveway (there's plenty of parking). There are a number of Christmas activities happening this week: The AGF Ladies gather at 10am this Saturday (December 13th) at Debbie Richardson's in Alexandria for Christmas craft and cookies. Then a group will be going over to Mae's Place in Bristol at 1pm, to visit the residents by providing special gifts and singing songs centered around Christ's birth. If you want more info about any of these activities, email us >>> . See this week's Worship Folder (available Thursday evening) by clicki...

Kat's Journey!

Check out Kat.Blog ... there are pictures of Kathy (my wife who had a stroke that affected her left side in April'07) picking up and releasing balls with her left hand! Thanks, Mel! Thank you, Lord!

The Church on a Mission

At Amazing Grace Fellowship, we began a new series that will focus on 1 John. Here's some notes: Series>>> The Mission: Love & Light / 1 John Part 1 [“THE CHURCH ON A MISSION” Selected Scriptures] INTRODUCTION > Historical Data … The Bible is a “HIM” Book! > In Scripture: The FOCUS of the Lamb (Old & New Testaments) > In History: The FACT of the Loving Savior (See Mark 10) > In Society: The FONDNESS of a Caring Christ (See Matthew 8:1) THE CHURCH HAS A MISSION . . . IT NEEDS RESHIFTING *HOW? Philippians 2:5 I. A CALL BACK TO THINKING LIKE JESUS *THE GOAL? II. ALIGN OUR THOUGHTS TO THINKING LIKE JESUS Notice: When Jesus’ Attitude becomes our Attitude>>> See What Happens! Philippians 2:6-8 HUMBLE AND NON-ARROGANT v6-8 Philippians 2:9-11 HONORING AND BEING HONORED v9-11 Basic Application: 1 John 1:1-3… Explains our Mission This next Sunday will be the ABCs of 1 John -- me...

Measuring God's Grace

The new study series "Measuring God's Grace" began Sunday, September 7th. The series comes from Romans 8 and Mike's introductory talk focused on verse 1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus". There are four key ideas we'll see in the coming weeks: (1) Freedom, (2) Heirs, (3) + (4) [in 2 parts] Conquerors. It is vital to understand that the Grace of God is active daily in the life of Christ-followers. Measuring His Grace is near impossible and we'll continue to see that in the weeks ahead. In the final words of this study, we saw words that were synonymous with His Grace being Immeasurable! It is endless, infinite, immense, vast, beyond measure, massive, colossal, huge, enormous – shall I continue? Incalculable, inestimable, countless, boundless, never-ending – more? Limitless, unrestricted, unrestrained, unconstrained, indefinite, interminable, ceaseless and without end! Want more? Amazing Grace Fellowship will be...

Baptism ... Worship @ Wellington

On Sunday, August 31st, Amazing Grace gathered at Wellington Beach State Park for Worship, BBQ and a baptism. Mike talked about Understanding Who God Is from Psalm 19 . Sunday Night Connection joined in as well. See the pictures:


On July 13th, I was contacted by a group who were gathering Sunday mornings (for just a few weeks) to see if I might be available to speak at their times of worship. A number of circumstances and my seeking God made clear I should accept and I began July 27th. After a few more weeks, the decision was made to name this new church plant and after a process of accepting suggestions, the choice was made to call the church "AMAZING GRACE FELLOWSHIP". The worship gatherings have all been at participants homes and good weather has allowed for us to be outdoors. We've been to Ashland, Rumney and Bristol so far and on this coming Sunday, we plan to be at a local state park on Newfound Lake. See the website for info: (this is a temporary site until we get our domain name). See the Amazing Grace blog called "Being the Church" at this address: . I've posted the 2 previous posts on this blog but will be updati...

EKKLESIA - Come or Go? Part 2

Ekklesia , as I stated in the last post, is the Greek word translated in English as 'church'. Often, here in America, church is defined as a place we go (usually on Sunday mornings). At times it is even in buildings dedicated for that purpose with names on them like 'City Bible CHURCH' or ' Tri -Community CHURCH'. So when we read in Scripture about the Church at Cenchreae (Romans 16:1), it is natural to think of a building or meeting place in that city. At times one may refer to a person connected with a church group ... for example, "do you know Jane, who goes to the Cenchreae Church?" As a pastor, I was often asked, "how many people go to your church?" Ekklesia is not used in this way. Since I used Romans 16 to illustrate above, let me quote it further here beginning in verse 3, ( ESV ) "Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, (v4) who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the...

EKKLESIA - Come or Go?

The NT Greek word for church is EKKLESIA. So what? I have been verbal about the state of the American Church in the last few years. Possibly I should have been more verbal over 20 years ago! As I read the Scriptures, the words challenge me more and more. Even more intriguing is my reading the Bible challenges my Theology. Let me explain: In 1967, at age 14 I became a Christ follower (the term we used then was born-again believer). By the time 1969 rolled around, I was involved with a large Christ-focused youth and adult camp in upstate NY. I heard for the first time about the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. I hadn't been challenged in Scriptural studies about specifics until now. I had a lot of questions. This began a life of seeking the Scriptures BUT not so much seeking the mind of the Almighty. Instead, my study took me to a support of certain doctrinal theories of others (my teachers, my profs, my pastors even my discipler). Very little of my study explored alternative thinking bu...

Finalizing the SNC Reunion

We have had offers for the Reunion BBQ and now all we need is the date. An email and posting here will be forthcoming. Watch for a note on this blog about EKKLESIA. That is the greek word for "church"! I hope it will stir your thinking. Another thing: We have reopened the original SNC website with some major variations. The site is a work in progress -- some of the pages are being worked on still, but take a look anyway. The address is . Finally, Kathy's progress is amazing. Some great news was relayed during a recent therapy session at HealthSouth. We'll be sharing that info very soon. Kat.Blog (her updated site) is . We hope to see you soon.

REUNION! A BBQ & Praise Fest Gathering, Too!

An SNC Reunion BBQ and Praise Fest Gathering is being tossed around. We've spoken to a few of the SNC Gang who seem quite excited about this. We'll have a BBQ Pot Luck at a local home and at another time and location enjoy a time of Praise, Worship, Sharing and Fellowshipping together (even with a meal ... just like always). If you have any ideas let me know asap as we get the word out and dates settled. THE MISSION IS STILL BEFORE US In early April 2007, on our yearly anniversary trip to Maine, Kathy and I viewed a new video series on being missionaries to introduce non-Christ followers to Jesus. The 4-Lesson series is based on the book and life of a Chicago pastor who has branched out from the comforts of his church community and has embraced others outside that community to see the staggering results of others giving their lives to Jesus. The title of the series is "Just Walk Across the Room" and is a fantastic home neighborhood connection to aid in our mission. Fu...

NORTHpoint Network has a Website!

Finally, I've posted a new site for those who want to connect via the web and possibly together as Missional Christ Followers in northern New England -- whether it be a local church, a home gathering or just individuals desireous to "return to the Root of the Cross" >>> the Love of God through Jesus Christ (John 3:16)! Check it out >>> .

Good Reads

In keeping with the Incarnational Church theme, allow me to encouage some good books that may help in becoming missional Christ followers. I have come to appreciate Chip Ingram, who for many years was a pastor in Santa Cruz, CA. He saw great benefit in a young man who was working with youth and allowed him to begin a church within the church called “Graceland”. That young man is Dan Kimball, who has since started Vintage Faith Church . One of the books that excites me is ... “The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations” by Dan Kimball Forewords by Rick Warren and Brian McLaren ... Running commentary throughout the book by:Rick Warren, Brian McLaren, Howard Hendricks, Mark Oestreicher, Sally Morgenthaler, Chip Ingram The following is found on the website explaining the book: While many contemporary church leaders have been busy in our church offices preparing sermons, running church programs and making church more professional, a new world is emerging all around us. W...

Incarnational or Institutional

Ever see a sign on a church or a Christian gathering place that says “Welcome” or “You are Invited to Come” or “Come as You Are”? After working in churches for over twenty-five years, I have found that those platitudes have an underlying meaning to them. I have come to see that these phrases are like bait to outsiders by insiders. For example, “Welcome” actually means ‘you are welcome to be like us’. The assumption is that those on the outside need changing — and the change is not “in the image of Christ” like the Scripture speaks of but the ‘image of the church’ and it’s idenity. Unfortunately, many of America’s churches do not image or reflect Jesus Christ at all. Pastor and author Dan Kimball from Santa Cruz, California addresses this in a couple of books he has written recently. In “The Emerging Church”, Kimball states that a group of University students were interviewed being asked two questions: “What do you think of Jesus?” and “What do you think of Christians?”. My thoughts wer...

The American Church … ?

The American Church is out-of-touch with the Post-Modern Culture. Those of us who make such statements have been tagged as unscriptural and at times heretical. While it’s true that some within the so-called “Emerging Church Movement” are weak in their doctrinal stance, most I have found are very solid Biblically. For example, in the book “An Emergent Manifesto of Hope” (2007, Baker Books - edited by Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones), Part 4 is dedicated to theology. It’s entitled, ‘A Hopeful Way Forward’. Pagitt intoduces this section of six chapters with the following title, ‘Theology of Practice, Practice of Theology’. A contributor within Part 4 is Dan Kimball . He writes in chapter 18 about Humble Theology, as he calls it. The subtitle says, ‘Re-exploring Doctrine While Holding On to Truth’. A visit to Dan’s church in California reveals deeply committed followers of Christ especially in the area of the study of Scripture. Simply, the issue centers around viewpoints concerning the church....